Dr. Hans Michael Malzer
Email: notare-fuessen(at)notarnet.de
- Born in 1961
- Abitur in Kaufbeuren
- Law studies at the University of Augsburg and legal clerkship in Augsburg
- Doctorate in 1990 at the chair of Professor Dr. Helmut Köhler, Augsburg, in civil contract law ("The Software Contract")
- 1989 to 1993 notary public in Dachau and Augsburg
- 1993 to 2000 Notary Public in Mainburg
- Since 01.05.2000 notary in Füssen
- Public certification - essence, function, significance and perspective of a formal requirement under civil law
- Civil law form and procedural quality of the digital signature according to the signature law
- Electronic certification and media transfer by the notary according to the Judicial Communication Act
Secondary activities:
Various honorary activities in the professional institutions of the Bavarian notary's office.
Dr. Eckhard Wälzholz
Email: notare-fuessen(at)notarnet.de
- Born on 21.7.1969 in Rinteln, Germany
- High school diploma in Hannover
- Studies in Freiburg, Bonn and Würzburg
- Legal clerkship in Würzburg
- Doctorate 1999 in Würzburg at the chair of Prof. Dr. Klaus Tiedtke in tax law ("Der Teilbetriebsbegriff im Steuerrecht")
- Notary public in Weilheim i.OBB., Prien am Chriemsee, Rosenheim
- Since 2002 notary in Füssen
- Notarizations also in English language
- Co-author in Widmann/Mayer, commentary on the UmwG/UmwStG,
- Co-editor and co-author in Inheritance Tax and Valuation Law Commentary by Vice President at the BFH H.-U.Viskorf,
- Co-editor and co-author in Fuhrmann/Wälzholz, Formularbuch Gesellschaftsrecht
- Co-author of GmbH-Handbuch,
- Co-author in Strahl, Ertragsteuern (Income Taxes),
Secondary activities:
- Member of the advisory board of Zeitschrift für Erbrecht und Vermögensnachfolge (ZEV),
- Member of the editorial board of MittBayNot fürs Steuerrecht,
- permanent author at GmbH-StB
Lectures before chambers of lawyers, notaries and tax consultants as well as publishers and other seminar providers on tax law, inheritance law, corporate law, family law and real estate related topics.